Wednesday, September 10, 2014

35.5 Weeks and Work-Life Balance

I really need to be more dilligent about maintaining this blog, hopefully I'll have more time when I start clearing my annual leave at Week 37.

1.5 more weeks to go! Work has been seriously, ridiculously bad. I am still clearing the backlog of work from the 4 months I was away (so much for having a person to cover me), and on top of that there's still new stuff pouring in. My heart sank when the boss handed me a new model to build last Friday. I seriously need to consider my priorities after the baby is here. It's not healthy how I've been staying late in the office and/or logging in after dinner EVERY NIGHT to work. And let's just say the boss isn't the most appreciative person around. It might just be the hormones, but I was so stressed and exhausted last night I almost broke down when chatting to B about my day. At the rate I am going, Izzy is going to be born one high-strung, anxious kid! Cry.

Dear Lord, please give me the strength to finish up the current work to the best I can, and importantly, give me the courage to say no to new tasks. Give me clarity in my priorities as a wife and soon-to-be-mother, and help me weigh life's challenges in a manner that brings glory to you. Thank you for all that I am blessed with, and remind me each day to show the people I love and who love me just how much I appreciate them. Amen. 


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